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Coralee Shaman
Jun 12, 20222 min read
Can filler "lift" my face?
First let's start with explaining what causes a "sagging" face. As we age our facial fat pads shrink and start to fall downward. Our bone...

Coralee Shaman LPN
Nov 17, 20192 min read
How the 7-Point Shape injection technique lifts your face without surgery
Whenever I watch celebrities walk the red carpet, I can’t help but notice when cosmetic injectors have gone overboard with the filler or...

Coralee Shaman LPN
Jan 23, 20193 min read
A guide to facial fillers at different ages
Who doesn’t want smooth, fresh-looking skin and plump lips? Ageing is inevitable and far better than the alternative, but that doesn’t...
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